Shotwell Drive-in
40 West Street
Rockport, ME 04856Phone :
(617) 817-5376Shotwell Drive-in WebsiteShotwell Drive-in Facebook PageGet Directions to Shotwell Drive-inStatus: OPEN
Opened: | 2020 |
Closed: | open |
Screens: | 1 |
Car Capacity: | 200 |
Open Year Round: | No, June thru Oct |
Outside Food: | Allowed |
Digital: | Yes |
Admission Price: | $20 per vehicle |
Pets Allowed: | Yes |
Cash Only: | No, Credit Cards Accepte |
Sound: | 88.3 FM |
Food Permit: | None needed |
Alcohol: | Not Sold |
About Shotwell Drive-in
The Shotwell Drive-in is a single screen drive-in theater located in Rockport, Maine. It was opened in 2020 by the Points North Institute which is a artistic and cinema driven organization. The Shotwell Drive-in was opened in 2020 in response to the Covid 19 pandemic which had shut down all indoor theaters at the time. The Shotwell drive-in operates June through October and generally only shows single features on Thursday and Saturday nights. The cost is $20 per vehicle. Movie audio is broadcast over 88.3 FM. The Shotwell Drive-in does not have a concession stand but they have plenty of local food trucks that serve a wide variety of foods to the patrons. The Shotwell Drive-in shows both classic movies and first run movies.