Drive-ins within 100 miles of Cashion Community, TX
Open Drive-ins
Graham Drive-in1519 4th St
Graham, TX 76450
The Graham Drive-in is a single screen drive-in theater located in Graham, Texas. It is one of the oldest drive-ins remaining in Texas as it was open...
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Chief Drive-inSouth Highway 81
Chickasha, OK 73067
The Chief Drive-in is a single screen drive-in theater located in Chickasha, Oklohoma. It has been operating since 1949. The Chief Drive-in is open ...
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Cool Breeze RV Cinema and Resort16677 US-77
Springer, OK 73458
The Nightfall Drive-in Theater (formerly called the Cool Breeze RV Cinema and Resort)is a single screen drive-in theater located in Springer, OK. It ...
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Winchester Drive-in6930 South Western Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73139
The Winchester Drive-in is the only Oklahoma drive-in screening triple features on a regular basis and it is the last remaining drive-in still operati...
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Coyote Drive-in223 N.E. 4th Street
Fort Worth, TX 76164
The Coyote Drive-in in Fort Worth, TX is one of Texas' newest drive-ins and one of the country's largest. Opened in 2013, it is a large 4 screen venu...
more about Coyote Drive-inRecently Closed Drive-ins
Tower Drive-in7734 Hwy 6
Rule, TX 79547
The Rule Drive-in was opened in 1955. It closed in 2001 but was sold and re-opened in 2004. Sadly, it closed again in 2012.
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Riviera Drive-in8 S.E. 59th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73129