Drive-ins within 100 miles of Heman, OK
Open Drive-ins
El-Co Drive-in Theater501 North Main Street
Shattuck, OK 73858
The El-Co Drive-in is Oklahoma's newest drive-in. Opened in 2011, it is a single screen venue that shows movies seasonally. They have a low $6 adult...
more about El-Co Drive-in Theater
South Drive-in1019 Est McArtor Road
Dodge City, KS 67801
The South Drive-in is the oldest operating drive-in in Kansas. It is a solo screen drive-in with a 300 car capacity. It is open seasonally, April th...
more about South Drive-in
Winchester Drive-in6930 South Western Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73139
The Winchester Drive-in is the only Oklahoma drive-in screening triple features on a regular basis and it is the last remaining drive-in still operati...
more about Winchester Drive-inProposed Drive-ins
Paycom Drive-in Theater7541 W Memorial Road
Oklahoma City, OK 73142
The Paycom Drive-in Theater is a proposed single screen drive-in to be built in Oklahoma City. As of December 2020, the corporation Paycom has applie...
more about Paycom Drive-in TheaterRecently Closed Drive-ins
Pageant Drive-inPageant Rd
Medicine Lodge, KS 67104
While we show the Pageant Drive-in as closed, their website is still up and it appears they are still trying to raise the $70,000 needed to go digital...
more about Pageant Drive-in
Star Vue Drive-in72 State Highway 14 North
Anthony, KS 67003
66 Twin Drive-inWest Historic Route 66
Weatherford, OK 73096
The 66 Drive-in is another revived drive-in we were rooting for. After some time of being closed, it was re-opened in 1999. It made a good attempt a...
more about 66 Twin Drive-in
Riviera Drive-in8 S.E. 59th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73129