Drive-ins within 100 miles of Duff Creek, NC
Open Drive-ins
StateLine Movie Time Drive-in Theatre3835 Dothan Road
Tabor City, NC 28463
The Stateline Movie Time Drive-in Theatre is a new, single screen drive-in theater that was opened in May of 2019. It is located in Tabor City, North...
more about StateLine Movie Time Drive-in TheatreProposed Drive-ins
I-40 Drive-inJimmie Kerr Road
Graham, NC 27253
The I-40 Drive-in is a large proposed drive-in movie theater that will be located in Graham, North Carolina which is located on the I-40 Interstate ab...
more about I-40 Drive-inRecently Closed Drive-ins
Starlite Drive-in2523 East Club Boulevard
Durham, NC 27704
The Starlite Drive-in was a single screen drive-in that was located in Durham, NC. It was opened in 1944 and operated until its closure in 2007.
more about Starlite Drive-in
The Drive-in at Carraway Village600 Carraway Crossing
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
The Drive-in at Carraway Village was a single screen drive-in movie theater located in Chapel Hill, NC. The drive-in was fairly new as it was just ope...
more about The Drive-in at Carraway Village