! The Motor-Vu Drive-In in Riverdale, Utah Appears to be Permanently Closing

The Internet's Oldest Drive-In Movie Resource

The Motor-Vu Drive-In in Riverdale, Utah Appears to be Permanently Closing

by Released : 2022-05-19

Marquee at Motor-Vu Drive-in Riverdale

The Motor-Vu Drive-in located in Riverdale, Utah is Utah's oldest drive-in as it opened back in 1947.  It is also one of Utah's largest with 4 screens.  But on May 18th, the Motor-Vu Drive-in posted on their Facebook page, "Until further notice movies are closed".  And by the comments on that Facebook post, it appears that the drive-in is being permanently closed. 

According to an article in the Standard Examiner newspaper, a Riverdale official says the land where Motor-Vu is located has been rezoned for residential development.  The City Council rezoned the 20-acre parcel where Motor-Vu sits from A-1, meant for agriculture use, to R-2, which permits single-family housing development, on Feb. 1.  And while there have not been any formal plans submitted for the site, it does appear that the city and owner of the land want to turn it into single family housing. 

This is yet one more example of drive-in land being rezoned and repurposed for either residential or commercial development.  We have already seen more than a handful of drive-ins sold and closed so far this year in 2022 and expect to see more as the year progresses. 

While not official, it does appear the Motor-Vu Drive-in in Riverdale will close so we are moving it into our "Closed" category.  If something changes, we will re-list the Motor-Vu Drive-in as open.  With its closure, Utah will go from six operating drive-ins down to five.  To see the remaining drive-ins still operating in Utah, visit DriveInMovie.com/UT.htm.  Or to learn more about the history of the Motor-Vu Drive-in, visit Motor-Vu Drive-in

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