Fairlee Drive-in Theatre
1809 Route 5
Fairlee, VT 05045Phone :
802-333-9192Fairlee Drive-in Theatre WebsiteGet Directions to Fairlee Drive-in TheatreStatus: OPEN
Opened: | 1950 |
Closed: | open |
Screens: | 1 |
Car Capacity: | 400 |
Open Year Round: | ??? |
Outside Food: | ??? |
Digital: | ??? |
Admission Price: | $9.00 |
Pets Allowed: | ??? |
Cash Only: | y |
Sound: | 88.7 |
Food Permit: | ??? |
Alcohol: | ??? |
About Fairlee Drive-in Theatre
The Fairlee Drive-in is unusual as they also have a motel on site. This is only 1 of 2 drive-ins in the United States that also runs a motel on the same premises. All 12 motel rooms have a view of the drive-in with a large picture window and a speaker allowing motel guests to watch the movies from their rooms. The motel is open year round but the drive-in is only open seasonally late Spring thru Fall.